Aalborg CSP's unique diffusion-open Pit Thermal Energy Storage (PTES) lid solution will help ensure low heat loss in a 70,000 m3 PTES system in Høje Taastrup.
Durable and stable lid technology improves efficiency
Aalborg CSP received the order from the two Danish utility companies Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme and VEKS for design and delivery of a 11,000 m2 lid solution for the parties 70,000m3 PTES system. The unique lid design used in Høje Taastrup prevents moisture accumulation and enables easier dewatering of the surface ensuring a lower heat loss and contributing to higher efficiency and reliability of the complete energy system.
The lid is designed as a diffusion-open construction that allows vapor to diffuse up through the insulated structure. Moreover, the lid is divided into sections for improved rainfall handling making it possible to drain the surface of the storage safely and efficiently with a minimum of ongoing maintenance.The lid in Høje Taastrup is divided into 10 sections and thus include 10 pumping wells, which will lead rainwater away from the surface of the storage.
Efficient sector coupling for optimized electricity and heat production
The PTES in Høje Taastrup is a thermal storage functioning as a thermal battery with a capacity of 3,300 MWh. The thermal battery is charged by heat from the transmission grid and discharged to the district heating network when the demand for heating increases. The heat is stored, when the price on heating is low and is utilized later on, when the price for heating increases.