We offer turnkey delivery of heat pump systems based on excess heat and natural refrigerants. Our solutions are customized and tailored to our customers' individual needs for the most value-adding result.

Did you know that only 40% of excess heat from businesses and industry is utilized today? The potential of using this excess heat for the production of district heating is immense.

How does it work?

Surplus heat from industrial processes such as drying, evaporation, melting, and cooling can be captured and converted into cost-effective, energy-efficient, and CO2-neutral district heating as well as for potential internal processes using electric heat pumps. While high-temperature surplus heat can be used directly in the district heating network, low-temperature surplus heat, which is more common, needs to be boosted to meet the temperature requirements of the district heating networks.

Surplus heat + outdoor air

In Brønderslev, energy is recovered from the waste heat generated by the local district heating plant’s biomass boilers. When the biomass boilers are in operation, a significant amount of waste heat is generated in the boiler room. This waste heat is recovered by an air purification system. This energy, which is liquid-based, is converted in the electric heat pump, where it is compressed into usable district heating energy. When the temperature in the boiler room is adequate, the energy for the heat pump is extracted from outdoor air using energy absorbers.


   CO2-neutral heating
   Utilization of waste energy
   Low-cost production after system investment
   Upgrading of unusable process heat to usable
       district heating
   Possibility of using waste heat for internal

Possible applications

   District heating
   Energy centers
   Industrial processes
   Food industry
   Data centers
   Office buildings

Selected references

We have designed and delivered heat pump systems to a wide range of Danish district heating plants. Click on the images below to read more about our heat pump projects based on excess heat.


Andreas Zourellis
VP Sales - International
District heating / industrial solar technologies
Phone: +45 50 30 00 25 
E-mail: azo@aalborgcsp.com