Aalborg CSP received an order from the Danish district heating plant Egedal Fjernvarme to deliver a 2.6 MWth solar-thermal plant. The system will help reduce the facility's natural gas dependency as well as stabilize energy prices.
Customized solution
In Egedal, the solar field consists of 34 rows of highly efficient double-glazed flat solar-thermal collectors with up to 10 collectors per row. With a capacity of 2.6 MWth, the plant is capable of producing 1,850 MWh heat per year. Combined with the district heating plant's existing biomass boiler and an accumulation tank with a capacity of 2,400 m3, the solar heating plant will provide sustainable heating to 875 customers in Stenløse and Ølstykke.
Green district heating based on solar and biomass
In recent years, the district heating plant has continuously developed its operations to achieve a more sustainable heat production. In addition to a solar heating system, the green trasition has also included the expansion of the surrounding district heating network as well as the conversion of the individually supplied homes from oil and gas to green district heating made on solar and biomass.
- Design and delivery of flat panel solar system
- Design and delivery of pipping
- Design and delivery of civil works
- Mechanical and electrical installation
- P&I diagrams and control system
- 3D model
- Strength and flex calculations
- Documentation
- Supervision of installation and commissioning
- Legalization of the plant